Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Appreciate This

One thing I learned years ago is that you never mistreat the people who clean the building you work in. In fact, it is my practice to attempt to befriend them or at least get to know them by name (and vice versa).

Well, because first and foremost, they are people. Respect doesn't stop when the timecard is punched. These people are working hard and doing their job to the best of their ability. In a lot of cases, they are doing more work than most of the people who walk past them.

I have also learned that the janitorial/maintenance staff can be your most powerful ally when you need assistance. If you know them by name and give them the respect they deserve, they will be much more willing to assist you when you need it. In times where you need a door opened, a mess cleaned or any other random request, these people can make it happen for you. And if you are in their good graces and they repsect you, they are more willing and likely to get around to helping you a lot faster than they normally might.

So here's to the maintenance/janitorial staff of the world. I tip my hat to you, keep my trash in the can, avoid touching the glass on the doors and respect the work you do. Our workplaces wouldn't be the same without you!

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