Thursday, August 18, 2005

Women and Men

I don't get it.
I see gorgeous women throwing themselves into the arms of idiots.
I see intelligent women attempting to converse with men who barely graduated from high school.
I see women with amazing personalities hanging out with men who are about as personable as a hammer.

The mystifying trifecta occurs occasionally when one woman actually possesses all three qualities. It seems that sometimes these women are cursed by their blessings. How else can you explain such a woman staying in an unhealthy relationship with a man who excels at displaying adolescent behavior in all situations and cannot carry a conversation to save his life, unless it involves crude jokes, profanity and generally no point whatsoever?

I plead women everywhere to rise above these pathetic scenarios.
I beg you to begin searching for men of higher quality and substance.
I implore you to begin demanding the respect and admiration that you deserve.

Don't let the world nullify your right to be treated as a lady.

Don't be intimidated by the feminists of the world who are enraged by a gentlemen opening a door for you. Let them be appalled and open the door for themselves. And in doing so, may they be exposed to millions of germs that have the potential to make them ill. Allow the man to show you that he wants to go out of his way to make you comfortable and provide for you.

Just because a man treats you with dignity and respect does not mean that he is trying to belittle you. On the contrary, such a man is trying his best to show you how much he wants to be with you. If he didn't care, he would try to do these things. Simply accept his kind offers and say "Thank you".

Now I understand that there are some real pricks out there that take every opportunity to exert their position as men and demean women at every turn. These men deserve a special place in Hell where they can be taunted with large containers of water and ice for all eternity.

Women of the world unite. You have the power to change the way men treat you.
Expect more.
Demand more.
If a guy is being an idiot, call him on it.
If a guy is neglecting you or mistreating you, leave him.
If a guy is mistreating you or abusing you verbally, slap him and leave.
If a guy is abusing you physically, run away and call the police.

You know you are worth it.
... and believe it or not, there are some men out there who recognize these facts.

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